Qualifications | MBChB, MMed |
Practice Name | Dr PR Procter |
Office Number | 041 373 3933 |
Practice Mobile Number | |
Physical Address | 9A Newington Road Central Port Elizabeth 6001 |
reception@procderm.co.za | |
Website |
Dr Peter Robert Procter, M.B., Ch.B. (Pret), M. Med. (Derm.) (Pret), is a specialist dermatologist practising in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He completed his dermatology specialisation at the University of Pretoria in 1991, and has since been seeing patients in Port Elizabeth & Grahamstown.
Dr Procter has over 30 years of experience and sees patients Monday to Friday, as well as the first Saturday of every month. He is fluent in both English and Afrikaans.
When he is not working, you’ll find him at the golf course, or reading the latest Bill Bryson book.