SASDS - South African Society for Dermatologic Surgery

Our Vision

The SASDS aspires to provide training and education to our members, regarding safe and effective practices within procedural dermatology, which includes dermatological surgery and aesthetic dermatology.

Our aim is to maintain excellent standards, distinguishing yourself as an esteemed dermatologist and enhancing quality, up to date and excellent patient care.

View our SASDS Constitution
SASDS - South African Society for Dermatologic Surgery

Our Mission

The mission of the SASDS is to take stewardship of South African Procedural Dermatology by educating, mentoring, and enlightening with the ultimate goal of nurturing safe and effective practices and becoming gatekeepers for excellence within Dermatology.

Education– In-person and online access to procedural aesthetics and dermatologic surgery workshops.

Mentoring– Supporting and guiding our registrars and young dermatologist members.

Enlightening– Our patients (and the broader public) in procedural safety and selection criteria.


Our SASDS Executive Committee Members

Our executive committee is elected by our members during the Annual General Meeting, which takes place at our yearly Dermatological Congress. The President of the Committee serves for a period of 2 years.

Dr Sian Hartshorne
President of SASDS
Dr Nomphelo Gantsho
SASDS Secretary
Dr Altaaf Parker
Dr Levashni Naidoo
Procedural Dermatology & Communications Officer
Dr Ishaan Ramkisson
Aesthetics and Injectables Training Co-ordinator
Dr Nivana Ramlachan
Dermatological Surgery and Mohs Microsurgery Training Co-ordinator